by Julie Wardwell
April 05, 2023
Gandhakaraja Rasayanam is an herbal preparation containing sulphur as the main ingredient. This product is recommended for use after a person undergoes a successful panchakarma or other cleansing modalities. This herbal preparation will help bring balance within the tissues and is useful for the following symptoms.
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by Julie Wardwell
April 05, 2023
Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s therapeutic purification process that removes ama, or metabolic waste that accumulates in the body. Usually, ama is created from poor digestion that is caused by eating foods that are not suitable for your digestive capacity or eating too large of a quantity. Panchakarma is a therapeutic cleansing therapy that aims to remove the ama that has built up and also helps the body restore it’s normal functioning of the dosha.
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by Julie Wardwell
March 23, 2023
Tiktakam Kwatham is traditionally used during the spring season when there is an accumulation of ama or impurities in the body. The main herbs in Tiktakam Kwatham, such as patola, neem, and katuka, are known to have detoxifying and cleansing properties.
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by Julie Wardwell
March 23, 2023
Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine from India, recognizes pain as a symptom of an underlying imbalance in the body's doshas. Vata dosha is considered the main culprit behind pain, and each area of pain is associated with one of the five movements of vata. Pain that is generalized is linked to vyana vayu, headache to prana vayu and vyana vayu, abdominal pain to samana and apana vayu, and chest pain to prana vayu and udana vayu.
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by Julie Wardwell
March 15, 2023
Ayurveda views allergies as a sign of an imbalance in the body. According to Ayurveda, allergies are caused by the accumulation of "ama" or toxins, in the body. When the body is unable to eliminate ama, it builds up in the tissues and cause inflammation, which triggers allergic reactions.
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by Julie Wardwell
March 08, 2023
Ayurveda recognizes a similar condition called arsha. According to Ayurveda, the root cause is improper eating and lifestyle habits. The tri-dosha energies of vata, pitta, kapha become aggravated which causes the vitiation of both vata and pitta dosha. The vitiated pitta dosha accumulates ama within the digestive system and vata dosha then obstructs the digestive channel.
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by Vaidya Vishwanath
March 01, 2023
High blood sugar is a very common symptom for many people and is also known as high glucose. When glucose is too high it’s because the body lacks enough insulin. Glucose is a by-product from all the foods we eat and is regulated by insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the proper balance of glucose, and its purpose is regulate glucose from becoming too high or too low.
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by Julie Wardwell
February 16, 2023
Ayurveda utilizes oils for their nourishing qualities that are moistening, protecting and penetrating. Whether oil is used externally or internally the goal is to nourish and moisten the skin or tissues. Most commonly sesame oil is the oil of choice, however coconut, castor and ghee are also very important because each has its own unique qualities and purpose.
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by Julie Wardwell
February 09, 2023
Ayurveda sees the skin as a major indicator for determining health. Assessing a person’s complexion, undertone color, texture, and compactness is one of the ways an Ayurvedic practitioner determines health. Many people with skin disorders utilize Ayurveda for its skin healing herbs, like khadira, neem, turmeric, guduchi, kutaja, and patola to help the skin heal.
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