What is Kapha Dosha?

What is Kapha Dosha?

By Vaidya Vishwanath August 10, 2022


According to Ayurveda, maintaining health is the primary goal. To achieve this, we must attain the four purusha arthas (tenets of life). They are dharma (true purpose), artha (work and prosperity), kama (sensual pleasures), and moksha (self-realization). When we have true health, we can attain the four tenets of life.

To attain true health, the most important is ahara (correct diet). Food should be eaten in the proper quantity and quality to maintain doshas that are balanced and promote healthy strength, stamina, complexion, and long life. Sometimes a person may be eating healthy food and in the proper quantity but still suffers with health issues. This is because the person is not following a seasonal routine, diet and lifestyle. This suggests that not only a healthy diet is required but also, we are required to follow seasonal routines to maintain health and prevent illness. A person with Ayurvedic knowledge that follows a seasonal routine, diet and lifestyle will maintain their health.

What is Kapha Dosha?

Kapha dosha is composed from the earth and water elements. Each dosha has a primary location in the body: Kapha is located in the upper chest area of the stomach and lungs. Its primary purpose is the lubrication of all parts of the body and maintaining the proper amounts of fluid in all the cells and tissues. Kapha’s main quality is coolness and can be compared to the energy of the moon, as they both have a cooling effect on the mind and body.

By nature, kapha’s qualities and actions are cool, slow, moist, oily, heavy, smooth, and steady which embodies the structure, lubrication, and stability of our bodies and governs nourishment, growth, lubrication, stamina, and our ability to feel content.

Physiological Actions Controlled and Monitored by Kapha Dosha

  • Lubrication
  • Body cohesiveness and compactness
  • Stability of mind and body
  • Forgiveness
  • Strength and stamina
  • Immunity booster
  • Formation of seven body tissues
  • Regulation of saliva and synovial fluids

Kapha Dosha is Dominated by Tamasic Guna

When a person indulges in excess food and lifestyle activities that have the same qualities and actions as kapha, it results in kapha dosha aggravation. When the kapha dosha becomes aggravated, symptoms of excess bodily fluids and mucus develop along with seasonal allergies, thick white coating on the tongue, sticky and sluggish bowel movements, weight gain, difficulty losing weight, difficulty waking up in the morning, brain fog, lethargy, lack of motivation, heaviness in the body and mind, and congestion in the respiratory system are common.

Herbal Supplements to Balance Kapha Dosha

  1. Yogaraj Guggulu Vatika
  2. Triphaladi Churnam
  3. Hinguvachadi Churnam
  4. Thalisapatradi Churnam
  5. Dasamula Arishtam
  6. Karpuradi Oil
  7. Vidaryadi Kwatham Tablets

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Kottakkal Ayurveda products and information are not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. If you have serious, acute, or chronic health problems, please consult a trained health professional. If you are seeking the advice of a trained Ayurvedic professional, call (800) 215-9934 or email us at We will provide you with information to consult with Ayurvedic professionals. Always check with your doctor before taking herbs when pregnant or nursing.


Kottakkal Support

Vaidya Vishwanath grew up in Pune, India which is hub of traditional Ayurvedic gurukul teachings, following the principles of Ayurveda as part of his culture. He has dedicated his career over the past 1 ½ decades to the science of Ayurveda.

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