Supporting Healthy Kapha Dosha

Supporting Healthy Kapha Dosha

By Vaidya Vishwanath August 31, 2022


Kapha dosha represents the earth and water elements. Its main qualities are cooling, moist, heavy, and soft, and is compared to similar energy as the moon. Kapha dosha governs the structure and stability of our bodies. People who are kapha dominant are naturally slower and easier going than the other two doshas. This serves kapha people well, because they are also the strongest and have good stamina and immunity as long as they do not overindulge in food and inactivity.

Kapha people naturally have thick, soft hair, large, bright eyes and radiant skin. Their body structure has a larger and stronger frame. When in balance, they are sweet natured and a pleasure to be around.

When kapha people are out of balance, they are prone to certain conditions like weight gain, fluid retention, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, fatigue and laziness.

Supplements that Support Healthy Digestion and Kapha

Vanasuranadi Leham balances both kapha and vata dosha, helps improve digestion, appetite, the elimination of ama, and supports healthy colon.

Kalasakadi Kashayam balances both kapha and vata dosha, helps reduce gas, bloating, indigestion, supports healthy appetite, bowel movements, and overall digestion.

Guggulupanchapala Churnam balances kapha and vata dosha, helps to reduce inflammation and pain, improve colon health and skin health and reduces gas, bloating and swelling in the abdomen.

Punarnava Manduram Leham balances kapha and pitta dosha, helps reduce fluid, swelling, inflammation and achiness, improves digestion and the elimination of ama from the liver and spleen.

Supplements that Support Healthy Movement

Valiya Chinchadi Oil balances both kapha and vata dosha, more potent than Chinchadi Oil, helps reduce inflamed achy joints, useful for stiffness and swelling of the body and reduces conditions related to amavata. 

Chinchadi Oil balances both kapha and vata dosha, helps reduce inflamed and achy joints, useful for stiffness and swelling of the body and reduces conditions related to amavata. 

Dhanwantharam Kuzhambu balances both kapha and vata dosha, helps reduce inflamed, stiff, swollen,  and achy joints. Supports healthy muscles, nerves, and joints.

Supplements that Support Healthy Skin

Asanavilwadi Oil balances kapha and vata dosha, supports ear, nose, and eye conditions related to pain and inflammation. Supports health issues related to the head, as well as giddiness.

Dinesavalyadi Oil balances kapha and pitta dosha, helps support skin allergies, inflammation, swelling, itching and promotes healthy skin.

Supplements that Support Healthy Female Reproductive System

Puli Leham balances both kapha and vata dosha, supports post-delivery care, healthy uterus and menstrual cycle. Helps reduce accumulated ama.

If you have any questions about Kottakkal products, please contact

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Kottakkal Ayurveda products and information are not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. If you have serious, acute, or chronic health problems, please consult a trained health professional. If you are seeking the advice of a trained Ayurvedic professional, call (800) 215-9934 or email us at We will provide you with information to consult with Ayurvedic professionals. Always check with your doctor before taking herbs when pregnant or nursing.


Kottakkal Support

Vaidya Vishwanath grew up in Pune, India which is hub of traditional Ayurvedic gurukul teachings, following the principles of Ayurveda as part of his culture. He has dedicated his career over the past 1 ½ decades to the science of Ayurveda.

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