Heavy Metal Content of Kottakkal Products is Well Within Permissible Limits

Heavy Metal Content of Kottakkal Products is Well Within Permissible Limits

by Kottakkal Support March 21, 2022

Kottakkal USA

Arya Vaidya Sala (AVS), Kottakkal is a company that has maintained the manufacturing of superior quality products for more than 100 years. AVS facilities offer the following amenities.

  1. Operates a modern production facility.
  2. Research & Development Department is actively engaged in research for the modernization of production and quality control of all AVS products.
  3. The Centre for Medicinal Plants Research (CMPR) was established in 2003 to undertake the latest research in the various aspects of medicinal plants. CMPR is now recognized as a Centre of Excellence by the Department of AYUSH of the government of India.
  4. AVS continually monitors the heavy metal content of all products, including individual batch of each product. Accurate testing is assured by using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.

Kottakkal USA

AVS certifies theheavy metal content in their products is well under the limits set forth by the Indian and US government agencies.

  • Lead - 10 ppm
  • Mercury - 1 ppm
  • Arsenic - 3 ppm
  • Cadmium - 0.3 ppm


Kottakkal Support
Kottakkal Support

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