Dinacharya for Kapha Mind and Body Type

Dinacharya for Kapha Mind and Body Type

By Vaidya Vishwanath June 22, 2022


Ayurvedic wellness is based on the theory of the Panchamahabhuta. This theory states the entire universe including humans are made from the five great elements of earth, water, fire, air and space. And these five elements form the three doshas (biological energies) known as vata, pitta and kapha, that control and monitor all functions of our mind and body.

  • Vata dosha is formed from air and space
  • Pitta dosha is formed from fire and water
  • Kapha dosha is formed from water and earth

Every individual has all three doshas. However, one dosha will be predominant and governs important physiological wellbeing. Ayurveda’s secret to maintaining good health is to balance the predominant dosha throughout life. To do this, Ayurveda recommends a daily routine that balances each specific dosha. The daily routine is known as Dinacharya, and when done on a regular basis it becomes a very powerful tool for maintaining the best possible health.

Kapha dosha consists of two elements earth and water. Its qualities and characteristics are oily, heavy, slow, liquid, slimy and sticky. Kapha governs cohesion, structure and stability of the body. Its primary function is to protect the body and mind by governing formation, growth and lubrication of the joints, muscles, bones, fat, marrow, nutritive fluids and reproductive tissues.

What does a kapha dominant person need to maintain their best health throughout their life?

Kapha people normally have a strong body structure with excellent endurance and stamina. They have large soft eyes with smooth radiant skin, and thick hair. Those who are predominantly kapha sleep soundly and have regular digestion. However, kapha can accumulate in excess, causing weight gain, fluid retention, and allergies to manifest in the body. Kapha’s are naturally calm, thoughtful, caring and loving. They have an inherent ability to enjoy life and are comfortable with a routine. When in balance, Kapha’s are strong, loyal, patient, steady, and supportive.

Not sure which dosha is predominant? Take our dosha quiz.

Dinacharya for Balancing Kapha Dosha

Morning Routine

  • Wake up early in the morning (before 6 am) consistently every day.
  • Every morning drink 1 cup of warm water with 2 teaspoons of raw honey.
  • Make a habit to eliminate bowels in the morning.
  • Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue
  • Gandusha (oil pulling) with Valiya Arimedas Tailam
  • Nasya (nasal oil drops) with Anu Oil
  • Practice intense exercise but based on your strength do yoga, walking, jogging.
  • Abhyanga (Ayurvedic body massage) with Kapha balancing oil - Karpuradi Oil
  • Shiro Abhyanga (Ayurvedic head massage) with Kapha balancing oil – Cheriya Bhringamalakadi Oil
  • Warm shower or bath using Ayurvedic Skin Care Soap
  • Take proper rest with a minimum of 8 hours sleep
  • Need to relax physically and mentally calm.

Midday Routine

  • Have proper healthy cooked meals with all six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy, and astringent), but include more hot and spicy foods.
  • Take 100 steps walk after lunch.
  • Make sure you eat only until your stomach is 2/3’s full.
  • Consume foods that are more spicy, astringent, and bitter.
  • Drink 1 cup of buttermilk after lunch.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises.
  • Drink only warm or hot water.
  • While having lunch, your entire focus should only be on eating with no distractions, for proper digestions and assimilation of nutrients.
  • Eat slowly and avoid indulging in talking, watching television or reading.

Evening Routine

  • Take a gentle walk after working to increase circulation.
  • Have a light dinner with kapha balancing vegetables and lentils.
  • Have a 2 – 3 hour gap between dinner and bedtime.
  • After dinner drink a cup of warm ginger tea and walk for few steps.
  • Read inspirational books or watch or listen to them.
  • Try being calm and relaxed before bedtime.
  • Go to bed early (Before 10pm)

New Kapha Dinacharya Kit recommended by our Ayurvedic expert Vaidya Vishwanath.

Kapha Dinacharya Kit Includes:

  1. Valiya Arimedas Tailam
  2. Karpuradi Oil
  3. Cheriya Bhringamalakadi Oil
  4. Anu Oil
  5. Ayurvedic Skin Care Soap

If you have any questions about our new Kapha Dinacharya Kit, contact

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Kottakkal Ayurveda products and information are not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. If you have serious, acute, or chronic health problems, please consult a trained health professional. If you are seeking the advice of a trained Ayurvedic professional, call (800) 215-9934 or email us at We will provide you with information to consult with Ayurvedic professionals. Always check with your doctor before taking herbs when pregnant or nursing.


Kottakkal Support

Vaidya Vishwanath grew up in Pune, India which is hub of traditional Ayurvedic gurukul teachings, following the principles of Ayurveda as part of his culture. He has dedicated his career over the past 1 ½ decades to the science of Ayurveda.

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