Caring For Your Eyes With Ayurveda

Caring For Your Eyes With Ayurveda

by Kottakkal Support December 06, 2023


Our eyes are vital to our life, yet we often neglect to take care of them. Ayurveda educates on the importance of eye health and how practicing daily self-care helps maintain healthy eyes. The classical Ayurvedic texts mention in great detail the importance of eye health. There are many chapters on anatomy, physiology, reversing common disorders, and preventive practices to maintain healthy eyes. In modern life it has become increasingly important to protect our eyes, as we stare at artificial light, computer screens or television for long periods of time.

Understanding Your Eyes According to Ayurveda

We have five senses that we utilize to interact with the physical world. Out of all the five senses, Chakshu Indriya is located in the eyes and is considered the most important one. Its importance lies in its function which gives us a visual perception of the objects around us.

Anatomically, eyes are made up of all five the great elements, earth, water, fire, air and space, but there is a predominance of the fire element in the form of light. Physically our eyes transform the light that reflects off the objects in our environment, this is how we see. The fire element is contained within pitta dosha which governs the eyes. When pitta dosha becomes aggravated, symptoms like pain, pricking, itching, burning, redness, dryness or watery eyes develop.

Asatmyendriyarth Samyoga

Asatmyendriyarth is a Sanskrit word comprising three words. Asatmya means that which is not suitable, indriya means sensory organs, and artha means objects. When the sensory organs are exposed to inappropriate objects, then it is called Asatmyendriyarth Samyoga and is one of the three major causes of illness according to Ayurveda.

For example, when we watch television or work on a computer for a long time it exposes our eyes to extended periods of bright artificial light, this puts an extra strain on our eyes. This is an example of using our eyes in an unhealthy way and overtime leads to eye strain or aggravated pitta dosha in the eyes.

Suppression or neglect of the body's natural urges also falls under Asatmendriyarth Samyoga. For instance, when we make a practice of staying up late at night and neglect our urge to sleep this also aggravates pitta dosha and strains our eye health.

Ayurvedic Eye Care

Ayurveda provides numerous ways we can support healthy eyes in our daily lives. Eye care in Ayurveda emphasizes preventing the aggravation of pitta dosha through daily self-practices.

Support for Healthy Eyes

  1. Netra prakshalan is the practice of washing your face and eyes first thing in the morning with triphaladi tea. This cleanses the eyes and helps to maintain the structure of the eyes. To make triphaladi tea, mix one teaspoon of Triphaldi Churnam with two cups of purified water. Bring to a boil and reduce until half a cup remains, strain using a fine mesh cloth. Use the filtered tea only once its cooled to body temperature. Apply using a sterile eye dropper or eye cup to help cleanse, cool, and reduce redness.    
  2. Netra tarpan is the practice of nourishing the eyes with ghee. Ghee does not irritate the eyes and actually cools and sooths them. Our eyes are governed by pitta dosha, and when they are overused, heat accumulates causing burning and dryness. Ghee is the most effective option when pitta is in excess. To apply, close your eyes and with clean hands gently apply Triphala Ghritam on your eye lids. This is typically done in the evenings before bed so you can keep your eyes closed.
  3. Aschotanam is the practice of nourishing the eyes with herbal drops that help balance pitta and kapha dosha. Our eyes are ruled by pitta dosha and need to be protected from a buildup of excess kapha dosha. Herbal eye drops help dissolve and remove the excess kapha that blocks the tiny channels of the eyes. Netramritam eye drops help support dry, red, and itchy eyes and is recommended for daily use. Elaneer Kuzhambu is ideal for eye disorders related to excess kapha and ama. These drops are recommended only under the guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor or practitioner.
  4. Shiro-Abhyanga is the practice of lightly massaging herbal oil to the head and is one of the most effective practices to help calm vata dosha. Shiro-Abhyanga helps support the Drishtipatalam or the organs of the eyes. It nourishes and protects the eyes as well as all five sense organs. Daily application of Triphaladi Oil on the head is a powerful supportive measure to prevent eye problems. 
  5. Snanam is the practice of bathing after Shiro-Abhyanga and helps cleanse the oil from the head and stimulates your senses after a night of sleep. Ayurveda says that hot water is good for the body but not for the head. Hot water on the head can aggravate pitta dosha and it is best to use cool or lukewarm water.
  6. Nasya is the practice of administering oil to the nose which is a natural route to the head. When herbs and oils are administered through the nose, it reaches vital points in the head. One such important point is called the Shringatak Marma, a direct energy point to the sense organs of the eyes, ears, nose and tongue. With daily practice, nasya cleanses the excess kapha dosha from the channels of the head and is an excellent preventive therapy for sensory problems. The best oil for daily use is Anu Oil.

Healthy Eyes Need High Quality Sleep

Uninterrupted, naturally-induced sleep is essential for healthy eyes. Sleep rejuvenates our mind, body, and senses. Staying up late and avoiding the natural urge to rest results in heavy, tired eyes. Long periods of sleep deprivation may cause symptoms such as dry eyes and blurry vision. For strong vision and healthy eyes, Ayurveda recommends going to sleep before 10 pm and is essential for healthy restorative sleep. Getting seven to eight hours of sound sleep will help protect your eyes.

Healthy Eyes Need Nourishing Foods

Ayurveda recommends some specific foods and supplements for healthy eyes. Wholefood like rice, barley, green mung beans, bitter gourd, ghee, grapes, and coriander seeds in tea or cooking. If you are experiencing health issues with your eyes, avoid sour and spicy foods as well as alcohol and coffee because they can aggravate pitta dosha. Triphaldi Churnam can also be taken internally to improve eye health.


Kottakkal is committed to offering the highest quality Ayurvedic Healthcare. We offer two ways to have an Ayurvedic consultation. 1. Free 15-minute Consultation with our Ayurvedic practitioner, Julie Wardwell for when you need a product recommendation for a basic health problem. 2. In-depth Consultation with our Ayurvedic doctor, Vaidya Vishwanath Guddadar for when your condition is chronic with multiple symptoms.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Kottakkal Ayurveda products and information are not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. If you have serious, acute, or chronic health problems, please consult a trained health professional. If you are seeking the advice of a trained Ayurvedic professional, call (800) 215-9934 or email us at contact@kottakkal.shopWe will provide you with information to consult with Ayurvedic professionals. Always check with your doctor before taking herbs when pregnant or nursing.


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