Ayurvedic Analysis of Low Bone Density

Ayurvedic Analysis of Low Bone Density

by Kottakkal Support May 11, 2021

Kottakkal USA_Ayurvedic Analysis of Low Bone Density

As with any disorder, there is no direct correlation of low bone density to any specific condition mentioned by Ayurveda. This article will explain how Asthi Kshaya (bone depletion) correlates with low bone density, as well as how it can be managed with Ayurveda.

Ayurveda states that Asthi Dhatu (bone tissue) is Pitruja Avayava (inherited from the parents) and specifically all hard tissues or organs are said to be derived from the father. In other words, the health of the father’s genes determines the lifelong vitality of each child’s bone strength.

Low bone density can be related to the malformation of nutrition which deteriorates the dhatus. Dhatu Poshana Krama (nutrition and tissue formation) are formed in a chronological order that is inter-locked by a chain mechanism by which each dhatu nourishes the succeeding dhatu. The formation of each tissue is dependent on the nutritive quality produced from each preceding Dhatu agni (digestive process of each dhatu).

Asthi dhatu (bone tissue) is the next dhatu to be formed after Meda dhatu (fat tissue) and a precursor of Majja Dhatu (bone marrow). Which means Meda dhatu leads to the formation of Asthi dhatu, and Asthi dhatu leads to the formation of Majja dhatu.

Dhatu Precursors to Asthi Dhatu

  • Meda dhatu - fat or adipose tissue (precursor to asthi dhatu)
  • Mamsa dhatu - muscular tissue (precursor of meda dhatu)
  • Rakta dhatu - blood tissue (precursor of mamsa dhatu)
  • Rasa dhatu - lymph or plasma (precursor of rakta dhatu).
  • Ahara rasa - essence of food supplied from the jatharagni.

Dhatu Successors to Asthi Dhatu

  • Majja dhatu - bone marrow (immediate successor of meda dhatu)
  • Shukra dhatu - semen or reproductive tissue (successor of majja dhatu)
  • Ojas - essence accumulated from all dhatu which represents strength and immunity.

For Asthi dhatu (bone tissue) to be formed in a healthy, qualitative, and quantitative way, the preceding dhatu’s need to form properly. If there is a pathological increase or decrease of the Asthi dhatu precursors, the bone formation and maintenance become disturbed. This leads to poorly formed bones that are brittle.

Asthi Dhatu Kshaya (depletion of bone tissue) is a condition which correlates with low bone density. When a digestive disturbance occurs, it is called Agni vikriti. When agni is decreased, it’s called Agnimandhya (hypo-functional agni), this leads to Ajirna (indigestion), and the low functioning digestion results in ama (undigested foods). Ama continues to accumulate and further deteriorates the dhatu agni’s by blocking the channels that carry nutrition.

Among the many causes which lead to Agnimandhya, the pathological increase of kapha is the main cause. Agni is diluted by the excess kapha which slows the normal function. On the contrary if agni is increased it’s called Atyagni (hyper-functional agni), here the food moves through too fast and is not properly digested. This also causes poor nutrition and leads to the qualitative and quantitative depletion of the tissues. Among all the causes leading to Atyagni, a pathological increase of pitta causes Tiksnagni (fast or sharp digestion) and vata causes Visamagni (inconsistent digestion).

Medo Dhatvagni the precursor to Asthi Dhatvagni

The Medo dhatvagni (agni in fat tissue) digests the nutrition and materials provided to it by its precursor Mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue) and converts it into Medo dhatu (fat tissue). The remaining small portion is used in forming the succeeding Asthi dhatu (bone tissue).

When Medo dhatvagni decreases, excess meda (fat) is formed causing medo vriddhi (increase of fat). The fat keeps producing and takes all the nutrition and leaves little to form Asthi dhatu. When Medo dhatvagni increases there is depletion of fat tissue, causing medo kshaya (decrease of fat) and there is less nutrients supplied to Asthi dhatu.

Among the symptoms of Medo dhatu kshaya, there is one Svapanam katyaha which means weakness in the hip region or susceptibility to fracture, which is common symptom of low bone density.

Symptoms of Medo Dhatu Kshaya

  • Cracking sound in the joints
  • Lassitude in eyes
  • Exhaustion
  • Decreased abdominal girth or thinning
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Feeling of emptiness in joints
  • Dryness
  • Craving fatty foods and meat

Symptoms of Medo Dhatu Vriddhi

  • Unctuousness of body
  • Increased abdominal girth
  • Increased size of flanks
  • Cough or difficult breathing
  • Bad body odor

Asthi Dhatvagni Vikriti

When Asthi dhatvagni decreases, there is an excess formation known as Asthi dhatu vriddhi and when Asthi dhatvagni increases, there is deficient formation known as Asthi dhatu kshayaAsthi kshaya can be compared to low bone density. Among the symptoms of asthi dhatu kshaya, there is one Majjani saushiryam which means loss of majjā (bone marrow) matrix or materials. Majja saushiryam indicates loss of bone density.

Symptoms of Asthi Dhatu Kshaya

  • Loss of head, facial and body hair
  • Weak breaking nails and teeth
  • Fatigue
  • loose joints
  • Pain in bones
  • Dryness

Symptoms of Asthi Dhatu Vriddhi

  • Extra teeth
  • Bony growths

Vata and Asthi Dhatu                                        

Each dosa has a home location in the dhatus, vata’s location is the asthi dhatu. Vata which has undergone a pathological increase due to a vata disturbing foods and lifestyle activities will deplete the asthi dhatu. When vata undergoes pathological decrease, it causes increase in asthi dhatuTherefore, the increase of vata is one of the causative factors leading to low bone density.

Vata Prakopaka Karanani (causative factors for vata vitiation)

  • Prapatana - fall, injury
  • Bhanga - fractures
  • Kshaya - depletion of tissues
  • Jaagarat - excessive vigil (awake all night)
  • Veganam cha vidharanat - suppression of natural body urges
  • Ati shuchi - excessive administration of Panchakarma
  • Shaityadi - excessive consumption of cold foods and activities
  • Traasaat - fear
  • Ruksha - excessive consumption of dry foods
  • Kshobha - irritation
  • Kashaya - excessive consumption of astringent foods
  • Tikta - excessive consumption of bitter foods
  • Katu - excessive consumption of pungent foods
  • Vari-ghanagame - cloudy and rainy season
  • Vyayama - excessive exercise
  • Apatarpana - fasting in excess

Among the causative factors for Asthivaha sroto dushti (contamination of channels providing nutrition for bone tissue formation), Vatala ahara vihara (vata increasing foods and activities) is mentioned.

Among the symptoms of Asthi pradoshaja roga (disorders due to contamination of bones) is asthi bheda (splitting pain or fracture in bone) and asthi shula (bone pain) have been mentioned.

Phakka roga is explained in Ayurvedic Pediatrics as compared to Rickets (vitamin D deficiency).

Three Types of Phakka Roga

  • Ksheeraja - drinking breast milk contaminated by morbid kapha.
  • Garbhaja - parents conceive children too close together and the mother’s body is unable to supply quality breast milk.
  • Vyadhija phakka - affliction of fever for a prolonged period.

Ayurvedic Management - Medoroga Chikitsa

  • Since meda or fat is the immediate precursor of Asthi dhatu, treatment and medications to prevent or reduce accumulation of fat in the body should be administered, especially if the person is obese and has a family history of low bone density.
  • Virechana (therapeutic purgation), Lekhana Vasti (fat eliminating enemas) and Udwartana (herbal powder massage in the reverse direction of hair follicles) does provide benefit in these cases.
  • Anti-obesity products should be given to reduce weight and fat. Some examples include:- Varadi Kashayam, Varanadi Kwatham, Guggulutiktakam Kwatham.

Ayurvedic Management - Asthi Dhatu Kashaya Chikitsa

Panchakarma or the five cleansing measures of elimination (detoxification therapy) is first line of treatment for Medoroga which has led to Asthi Dhatu Kashaya. The five therapies are completed in chronological order and adapted according to the disorder and all its affects.

  1. Vamana - therapeutic emesis
  2. Virechana - therapeutic purgation
  3. Asthapana Vasti - decoction enemas
  4. Anuvasana Vasti - oil enemas
  5. Nasya - nasal instillation

Vasti - among all five therapies, vasti is considered the best therapy for vitiated vayu. Specifically, ksheera vasti (enema with milk and bitter herbs) and sneha vasti (enema with ghee and bitter herbs) are the most effective for alleviating vitiated vayu and mitigating low bone density.

  • Tikta ksheera - milk processed with bitter herbs is consumed for both drinking and enemas.
  • Tikta ghrita - ghee processed with bitter herbs is consumed for both drinking and enemas.

Protocols for Vayu Vitiation

  • Sneha - administration of medicated oils or ghee with massage, oil pouring, etc.
  • Sweda - steaming, sudation, or sweating therapy
  • Mridu shodanam - mild virechana therapy
  • Svadu bhojana - consuming sweet foods
  • Amla bhojana - consuming sour foods
  • Lavana bhojana - consuming salt foods
  • Ushna bhojana - consuming hot fresh foods
  • Abhyanga - massage with herbal oils
  • Mardana - tapping body with closed fists after oil application
  • Seka - pouring of medicated oils over the body in streams
  • Paishtika madhya - fermented products prepared with flours
  • Goudika madhya - fermented products prepared with jaggery
  • Snigdhoshna vasti - luke warm medicated enemas oils and ghee
  • Dipana pacana sneha - oils and ghee with dipana and pachana

Correction of Agni, Ajirna, and Ama

Disturbance of digestion and metabolism that causes indigestion is the foundational cause of low bone density. Loss of appetite, indigestion and any symptom related to upper or lower gastro-intestinal tract persisting for any length of time requires correction.

Indigestion should be corrected by administrating ghee processed with dipana (agni stimulating herbs) and pacana (digestion promoting and ama destroying herbs). Both dipana and pacana herbs maybe combined into one remedy. Depending on the condition, the herbs may also be administered as churna, kashayam, or kwatham. Some product choices include:- Guggulutiktaka Ghritam, Guggulutiktam Kwatham, Mahatiktaka Ghritam, Mahatiktam Kwatham.

These products will also correct the digestion and metabolism of Dhatugata agnimandhya (low tissue metabolism). They strengthen the tissues, especially Medo dhatvagni and Asthi dhatvagni.

Ayurvedic Management - Bhanga Chikitsa

In cases of fracture, the bone is assessed and may require resetting before applying any of the following therapies.

Ayurvedic Management - Phakka Roga Chikitsa

  • Shodhana is the main protocol, first snehana (drinking medicinal ghee) is given to the proper saturation, Kalyanaka Ghritam is generally recommended for seven days. Second virechana (purgation) is given by administering Trivrit ksheera (milk processed with trivrit), Trivril Leham is combined with milk. After the purgation process, Brahmi Ghritam is given.
  • Recommended foods include mamsayusha (meat soup), shali (cooked rice), siddha ksheera, (medicinal milk).

For more in-depth information, order this book from Arya Vaidya Sala from our store,  Relevance of Purificatory Treatment in Degenerative Diseases.

  • Original source: Dr JV Hebbar,

Ayurvedic Consultation

Kottakkal is committed to offering the highest quality Ayurvedic Healthcare. We offer two ways to have an Ayurvedic consultation. 1. Free 15-minute Consultation with our Ayurvedic practitioner, Julie Wardwell for when you need a product recommendation for a basic health problem. 2. In-depth Consultation with our Ayurvedic doctor, Vaidya Vishwanath Guddadar for when your condition is chronic with multiple symptoms.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Kottakkal Ayurveda products and information are not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. If you have serious, acute, or chronic health problems, please consult a trained health professional. If you are seeking the advice of a trained Ayurvedic professional, call (800) 215-9934 or email us at We will provide you with information to consult with Ayurvedic professionals. Always check with your doctor before taking herbs when pregnant or nursing.


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