Arya Vaidya Sala: All About Our Classical Formulations

Arya Vaidya Sala: All About Our Classical Formulations

by Kottakkal Support July 15, 2021

Kottakkal USA_Arya Vaidya Sala: All About Our Classical Formulations

Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala has been producing hundreds of powerful Ayurvedic supplements since 1902. But we do more than make classical formulations.

  • Operates 3 hospitals, 26 clinics, and 1 charitable hospital for those in need.
  • Authorized a team of 1,650 distributors across India and the world.
  • Ayurvedic research and development with a focus on Cancer.
  • Publishing Ayurvedic periodicals and books.
  • Educational programs at their Ayurvedic college.
  • Developed 220-acre herbal garden for the propagation of medicinal plants.

There are 550 classical formulations manufactured by Arya Vaidya Sala which come under nine categories: Arishta / Asava (fermented formulation) / Bhasma (calcinated formulation) / Churna (powdered herb) / Ghrita (ghee based) / Gulika (pill) / Kashaya (decoction) / Leha (electuary) / Rasakriya (collyrium) / Taila or Medicated Oil / Kuzhampu (oil based).

Arishtams and Asavas are preparations made by soaking the churna or kashaya in a solution of sugar, jaggery or honey for a specified period. The preparation undergoes a process of fermentation, which generates alcohol that extracts the active constituents. The alcohol also serves as a preservative. The filtered Arishta or Asava should be clear without froth at the top and should not be sour. The preparation has the characteristics of aromatic alcohol. It is available in 450 ml bottles. Arishtams and Asavas can be kept indefinitely. Usage: 15 to 30 ml for adults, 5 to 10 ml for children, as directed by Ayurvedic Practitioner. Total Arishtams/Asavas manufactured by AVS = 45.

Bhasmas and Ksharas are powdered substances obtained by calcination (incineration). Bhasmas are in powder or capsule form. Available as capsules, 100 per bottle. Expiry is 3 years from date of manufacturing. Usage: 1 capsule, 1 – 2 times per day, as directed by Ayurvedic Practitioner.

Churnams or Powders are preparations used both internally and externally. The powder is mixed with lukewarm water and taken before or after food according to the condition. Available in 10-gram packets and 50 g bottles. Expiry is 2 years from date of manufacturing. Usage: 5 to 10 g per day or as directed by the Ayurvedic Practitioner. Total Churnams manufactured by AVS = 41.

Ghritams are preparations mage with ghee which is boiled with specific kashayas or kalkas according to the formula. The process ensures absorption of the active therapeutic ingredients and is generally solid when cooled. It will have the color, odor, and taste of the kashaya or kalka. Ghritams are used both internally and externally. Available in 150 g bottles. Expiry is 2 years from date of manufacturing. Usage: 5 to 10 g per day or as directed by the Ayurvedic Practitioner. Total Grithams manufactured by AVS = 40.

Gulikas are made by grinding the raw materials into fine paste, which is made into pill or tablet form. They are used both internally and some externally. Gulikas for internal use may be mixed with lukewarm water or any other prescribed liquid dravya or as directed by the Ayurvedic Practitioner. Available as pills or tablets, 100 per bottle. Expiry is 3 years from date of manufacturing. Usage: 1 pill or tablet, 1 – 2 times per day, as directed by Ayurvedic Practitioner. Total Gulikas manufactured by AVS = 50.

Kashyam - liquids are one of the panchakalpanas of Ayurveda and are the preparations mentioned in the texts. They are boiled in 16 parts water to one part preparation. The kashyam is reduced to one quarter and strained, then boiled again to one eighth. Food grade preservatives are added and then stored in air tight bottles. Available in 200 ml bottles. Expiry is 3 years from date of manufacturing. Usage: 10 to 15 ml for adults, 5 to 10 ml for children, as directed by Ayurvedic Practitioner. Total Kashayams manufactured by AVS = 67.

Kwatham - tablets are concentrated kashayams which are further evaporated and powdered. They are pressed into tablets using approved excipients. Each kwatham tablet is prepared out of 8 grams of raw materials. Available as 10 tablets in each blister pack, 100 tablets per box. Expiry is 3 years from date of manufacturing. Usage: 2 to 3 tablets for adults, 1 to 2 tablets for children, as directed by Ayurvedic Practitioner.

Lehams or Electuaries are semi solid preparations made with jaggery or sugar. They are boiled with prescribed preparations of juice or decoction. They are also known as modaka, guda, khanda, rasayana and leha. Available in 200 g and 500 g bottles. Expiry is 3 years from date of manufacturing. Usage: 10 to 15 g for adults, 5 to 10 g for children, as directed by Ayurvedic Practitioner. Total Lehams manufactured by AVS = 43.

Health Support and Tubes are new products by Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal. They have developed a line of New Generation Products based on classical formulations. They are essentially modified versions of classical formulas that have evolved over time to help modern ailments. There are many choices, convenient to use and available as tablets, pills, granules, syrups, inhalants, creams, and gels. 

Rasakriya are a group of preparations in the form of a thick viscous liquid, intended for ophthalmic usage. The color and smell depend on the preparations used. We offer Elaneer Kuzhambu available in 10ml bottle. Expiry is 1 year from date of manufacturing. Usage: instill one or two drops in both eyes once or twice daily as directed by Ayurvedic Practitioner. Caution: is needed may cause irritation of eyes, always consult an Ayurvedic Practitioner. Total Rasa kriyas manufactured by AVS = 5.

Samskrithamadhu (Ayurvedic Honey) - Purified honey retains all the nutrients & qualities of natural honey. Additionally, fortified with Sunthi or dried & naturally processed ginger, it is useful for maintaining body weight, as a digestive, and as an appetizer. Especially useful for throat and sinus strength.

Tailas or Medicated Oils are prepared with oil which is boiled with prescribed kashayas and kalkas according to the formula. This process ensures absorption of the active therapeutic constituents of the formula. The oil will have the color, odor, and taste of the kashaya or kalkas, and the consistency of the oil. They are used both externally and internally, the external oils are for body and head therapies. Kuzhampu is a form of prepared oil that contains taila, ghrita, eranda, and is mainly intended for external use.

Tailas or oils are the mainstay of Ayurvedic therapies and are available in several sizes, 10 ml, and 200 ml bottles, and Bulk Oils in 5-liter carton. There are also a few oils taken internally available in Soft Gel Capsules, they come in 10 caps per blister pack, with 100 caps per box. Expiry is 3 years from date of manufacturing, for soft gel caps it is 2 years. Usage: oil is applied liberally on affected body part or whole body and massages gently. Application is 30 minutes to one hour before bathing. Oils for head/hair can be applied 30 minutes before bathing or as directed by Ayurvedic Practitioner. Total Tailams/Oils manufactured by AVS = 120.

To learn more, visit Arya Vaidya Sala's website to learn more about each product's recommended usage and ingredients. You may also find a selection of AVS publications located on our website. Of interest are two books, the Chikitsa Samgraham by Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varrier and the Medicine Catalogue which give details of all AVS products.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Kottakkal Ayurveda products and this information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. If you have serious, acute, or chronic health problems, please consult a trained health professional. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic practitioner or doctor, call (800) 215-9934 or email us at and we will provide you with one of our affiliated Ayurvedic professionals. Check with your doctor before taking herbs when pregnant or nursing.


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