Managing High Blood Pressure with Ayurveda

Managing High Blood Pressure with Ayurveda

by Kottakkal Support February 23, 2024

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) the incidence of high blood pressure in the US in 2021 contributed towards 691,095 deaths. And one third of US adults have high blood pressure at approximately 119.9 million. High blood pressure is defined as systolic blood pressure greater than 130 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure greater than 80 mmHg.

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Managing Excess Weight Gain With Ayurveda

Managing Excess Weight Gain With Ayurveda

by Kottakkal Support November 16, 2023

In recent years, excess weight gain has become common for both adults and children. The media generated by the food industry has normalized many foods that are quick to prepare but lack prana, life force or nutrition. As well the media generated by the fast food or restaurant industry has normalized eating excessively large portions that are beyond what is a proper meal size.

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Learn how to improve the function of vyana vata

Vyana Vata – Vital Circulatory Energy

by Julie Wardwell August 03, 2023

Vyana vata is one among the five types of vata dosha that circulates throughout the body. It’s responsible for circulating and distributing blood, air, nutrients, nerve signals, and hormones that directs all functions. The word Vyana in Sanskrit means “outward moving”, which indicates vyana vata moves from the center of the body to the peripheral, this includes all brain activity.

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Heart Health and Ayurveda

Heart Health and Ayurveda

by Vaidya Vishwanath January 18, 2023

Ayurveda uses the word hrudaya which has the same meaning as the English word for the heart. The word hrudaya indicates the function of this vital organ, hru means to collect blood forcibly and ‘da’ means to donate. The body’s first two dhatus (body tissues) are rasa (plasma) and rakta (blood) which are circulated throughout the body. Thus, the word hrudaya means the dual action of forcibly collecting and circulating the blood throughout the body.

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